
McRPG Skill - Woodcutting

This skill will give you access to various abilities and buffs when chopping down trees!

How To Increase Your Woodcutting Level?

Chop down natural trees!

What is the Woodcutting Skills Default Ability?

Extra Lumber.

This gives you a chance to receive double drops when chopping logs.
As your Woodcutting level increases so does the chances of this triggering.

Unlockable Woodcutting Passive Abilities

These abilities just need to be in your active loudout for their effects to be active.

Heavy Swing.

This gives you a chance of cutting down logs in an area (natural logs only).

What Woodcutting Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 100

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the chance of triggering the area effect and the radius.

Tier Chance To Trigger Radius Woodcutting Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 10% 1  
2 15% 1 175
3 20% 1 250
4 20% 2 375
5 25% 2 500

Dryads Gift.

This gives you a chance of receiving small amounts of Vanilla XP when chopping logs.

What Woodcutting Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 150

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the chance of receiving Vanilla XP, and how much you get if it triggers.

Tier Trigger Chance Experience Gained Woodcutting Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 2.5% 3  
2 5% 5 275
3 7.5% 7 425
4 10% 9 575
5 12.5% 12 700

Nymphs Vitality.

This prevents your hunger from dropping below a certain level while in a forest.
Biomes this will trigger in:

What Woodcutting Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 250

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the threshold of hunger you can’t drop below.

Tier Minimum Hunger (2 = 1 Bar) Woodcutting Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 2  
2 4 400
3 6 550
4 8 700
5 10 900

Unlockable Woodcutting Active Abilities

These abilities need to be in your active loudout, and to be activated to be used. Each active ability has a cooldown between uses, and only one active ability per skill can be in your loudout at the same time.

Hesperides Apples.

Eating an Apple or Golden Apple (not an enchanted apple) will grant a short potion effect (speed for normal, strength for golden).

How to Activate? - Eat dem apples.
What Woodcutting Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 150

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the duration and level of the effects given, and the cooldown between uses drops.

Tier Apple Speed Level/Time Golden Apple Strength Level/Time Cooldown Woodcutting Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 1/20 Seconds 1/30 Seconds 100 Seconds  
2 1/35 Seconds 1/35 Seconds 90 Seconds 250
3 1/50 Seconds 1/40 Seconds 80 Seconds 350
4 2/35 Seconds 2/35 Seconds 70 Seconds 500
5 2/50 Seconds 2/40 Seconds 60 Seconds 650

Temporal Harvest.

When activated it allows you to harvest wood, saplings and apples from a broken saplings future!

How to Activate? - Right click with an axe to ready, then break the sapling you wish to harvest from.
What Woodcutting Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 200
What is this Abilities Cooldown?: 180 Seconds

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the amount you can potentially harvest from the saplings future!

Tier Harvested Wood Harvested Saplings Harvested Apples Woodcutting Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 5-20 1-2 0-1  
2 10-30 2-5 1-2 350
3 15-40 3-6 2 500
4 25-50 5-8 2-3 650
5 30-64 7-10 3-5 800

Demeters Shrine.

You can build and use a shrine to sacrifice gold blocks to get a boost to earned experience for harvesting skills (mining, woodcutting, excavation, herbalism). The boost lasts for 15 minutes.

How to Activate? - Build a shrine of leaves surrounding a block of water. Throw in a gold block.
What Woodcutting Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 350
What is this Abilities Cooldown?: 1 Hour.

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the experience boost you gain!

Tier Experience Increase Woodcutting Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 4%  
2 7% 475
3 10% 650
4 12% 825
5 15% 1000