
McRPG Skill - Herbalism

This skill will give you access to various abilities and buffs when harvesting your farms!

How To Increase Your Herbalism Level?

Grow and harvest crops.

What is the Herbalism Skills Default Ability?

Too Many Plants.

This gives you a chance to receive double drops when harvesting crops.
As your Herbalism level increases so does the chances of this triggering.

Unlockable Herbalism Passive Abilities

These abilities just need to be in your active loudout for their effects to be active.

Farmers Diet.

This increases how much hunger and saturation crop based food items restore.

Relevant Food Items:

What Herbalism Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 150

As the Tier of this ability increases, the amount of extra hunger and saturation gained also increases.

Tier Hunger Bonus Saturation Bonus Herbalism Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 0 0.5  
2 1 0.5 225
3 2 1 300
4 2 1.5 400
5 3 2 550


This gives a chance to auto-replant crops as you harvest them, with a chance for them to instantly increase their stage of growth.

What Herbalism Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 100

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the chance of the replant triggering and the amount of growth stages the replanted crop can advance through.

Tier Trigger Chance Growth Stages Herbalism Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 3% 1  
2 7.5% 1 175
3 15% 1-2 250
4 25% 1-2 400
5 30% 1-3 600

Diamond Flowers.

This gives you a chance of finding items while harvesting crops.

What Herbalism Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 250

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the chance of finding an item and the potential items you can find.
As with Excavations Buried Treasure, each item can only be dug up out of certain crops which won’t be listed here - figure them out! The chances are dependant on a few things so they won’t be listed in the table below in detail.

Tier Items You Can Dig Up Herbalism Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 - Common Items: Melon/Pumpkin Seeds, Bones and Saplings  
2 - Common Items
- Uncommon Items: Nether Warts and Cocoa Beans
3 - Common Items
- Uncommon Items
- Rare Items: Apples and Golden Apples/Carrots
4 - Common Items
- Uncommon Items (Increased Chance)
- Rare Items (Increased Chance)
5 - Common Items
- Uncommon Items (Increased Chance)
- Rare Items (Increased Chance)
- Legendary Items: Diamonds and Enchanted Golden Apples

Unlockable Herbalism Active Abilities

These abilities need to be in your active loudout, and to be activated to be used. Each active ability has a cooldown between uses, and only one active ability per skill can be in your loudout at the same time.

Pan’s Blessing.

When activated it fully grows all crops in a radius.

How to Activate? - Right click with a hoe, then bonemeal a crop to activate.
What Herbalism Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 150
What is this Abilities Cooldown?: 300 Seconds

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the radius covered by it.

Tier Radius Herbalism Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 3  
2 5 250
3 7 375
4 9 500
5 12 650

Mass Harvest.

When activated it will harvest all fully grown crops in a radius around you.

How to Activate? - Right click with a hoe to ready, then harvesta fully grown crop.
What Herbalism Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 200
What is this Abilities Cooldown?: 180 Seconds

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the radius covered by it.

Tier Radius Herbalism Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 3  
2 5 350
3 7 500
4 9 650
5 12 800

Natures Wrath.

Allows you to consume flowers instantly for a 3 second buff at the expense of half a hunger bar (can use up to 6 at a time - loss of 3 hunger bars - and only with more than 7 full hunger bars).
The flowers you can consume unlock as the ability upgrades - to start with you can only eat Blue Orchids which grant Speed. When maxed out you can eat Roses (strength), Dandelions (haste), Lilacs (resistance) and the Orchids (speed)

How to Activate? - ….Eat a flower.
What Herbalism Level does Tier 1 Unlock?: 300

As the Tier of this ability increases, so does the types of flowers you can consume and the level of the buff.

Tier Buff Level Blue Orchid (Speed) Dandelion (Haste) Lilac (Resistance) Poppy (Strength) Herbalism Level Required To Upgrade (plus 1 Ability Point)
1 1  
2 1 400
3 1 550
4 1 700
5 2 850